- The Ultimate Cryptofy Membership -
Become a VIP Member Today
Upgrade your membership to VIP and unlock our best resources to improve your trading skills, support your growth and bag more profit this alt season.
Our legendary experiment to take $1000 and turn it into $1,000,000 by achieving 10 consecutive trades with 100% ROI.
Every week Kurt and Rev host at least one episode, usually two, where we take a deep dive into trades picked up by TIS and run some TA through Cryptostat.
Every day our technology is working to analyse market activity and generate a short list of potential trades for short, medium and long term buy or sell alerts.
As a VIP member you get access to all of the channels, including the R2$1M chat and announcements channel, plus SMS notifications for secret and vault tokens too.
You can waste hours researching potential trades or work smart and use this software to scan the market on multiple indicators including MACD, RSI, Price, Volume, Buyers % and more, all across multiple time spans...
Rev Nissan gives you a deep dive on how to learn TA skills so you can read charts, find winning trades and analyse opportunity like a pro without spending days in long training videos.
Kurt Connolly gives you a clear path to get started in the market. Understand your strategy, how to get setup on Binance and a checklist for newbies to get equipped to trade with confidence.
Our dedicated support team will help you make the most of your membership and ensure you are connected with everything you need to achieve this.
Cryptofy Trade Performance
While all of the inclusions listed above are attractive, it's worth taking a look at the performance of trades that we have identified and shared with members through Discord, TIS alerts and TIS hitters. We want you to learn, but we also want you to profit!
Get started today, from only $599
Choose to save on upfront costs and get started with a quarterly membership, or save 20% by signing up for $999 every 6 months. No lock in contracts. Cancel anytime.